January 22nd, 1918
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, your own true and loving Helen.
Well, dear, you are a little tired and had better not write more tonight. St. John wrote you and was rather disappointed that he could not finish his message, but he saw the condition that surrounds you and like the loving John, that he wrote you as he did.
Your spiritual condition is much better and your experience of this afternoon did you much good for it caused you to turn your thoughts to the spiritual truths of the Father and brought into your soul more of the love.
The two Germans wrote you and they were in earnest and expressed what they honestly thought, and many spirits who are very much interested in the war make the same prediction that these two make as to its ending and the causes therefor. I will not write more and advise that you go to bed very soon and get warm. Love me and pray and have faith.
Good night, your own true and loving,