The Padgett Messages

the gospel revealed anew by Jesus and the Apostles

Due to Mr. Padgett's heavy schedule with the dark spirits that even Jesus had to make definite appointments to fit into his schedule.

October 23rd, 1916.

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I am here, Jesus. I intended to night to write a message, but you continued your reading until it was too late. I know what you would say, but at that time these dark spirits were so anxious to write that I did not interfere, although they could not write, because you declined to let them do so. Your power of control over these spirits is almost complete and many higher spirits wonder at it. But as you have been instructed in this matter and have acquired a knowledge of the way in which you can apply the law that operates to prevent them from writing when you intend that they shall not write, (it) is not astonishing.

Well, when I saw that they were anxious and were making the effort I left and returned only a short time ago. But the meaning of my complaint is that you did not earlier in the evening give me the opportunity to write just after you had finished your paper and before you commenced to copy. It was the understanding a short time ago that we would commence our writings this early in the evening.

Well you are mistaken for I could have written very easily at the time mentioned. That will be agreeable and I will come then. The important thing is to have these messages of truth delivered and received. These other things that you speak of are interesting and have some importance, but yet, the messages should be considered of the first importance, and be received in preference to any of these other communications.

I know that the condition of the preacher's mind and beliefs is of some importance under the circumstances attending his liberality of thought, and much good may be done by using these truths to enlarge his scope of the true relationship of God and man, yet there will be time for this and the truths must be first delivered.

Yes, I understand, and I am pleased that such are your longings and desires, and if you will only persist in these longings and pray to the Father with all the earnestness of your aspirations, and let faith take hold of these aspirations, you will very soon have a wonderful inflowing of this love and get in that condition of at-onement that you so much desire. I will be with you and help you with my prayers and love, and I know that the Father will bless you.

I will not write more now, but will come tomorrow night. So with my love and blessings, I will say good night,

Your brother and friend,

