The Padgett Messages

the gospel revealed anew by Jesus and the Apostles

Helen affirms that the great love of Jesus was bestowed on her husband. She was filled with awe.

December 14th, 1915.

Received by James Padgett

Washington D.C.

I am your own, Helen.

Well my dear Ned, I can scarcely write as I am so filled with awe over what has happened tonight that my power to write has almost left me.

But my darling I must tell you that you are very dear to the Master and a child of the Father's Love to a very great degree.

Such love, I never before saw displayed and I never expected to see it, especially bestowed upon you who are so dear to me.

I must not try to write more tonight as I am so filled with love and wonder and thankfulness that I can hardly think. So my own dear Ned, love me with all your heart and soul, and believe that I love you too. But when I think of this night and the great love that was bestowed upon you, my love seems like a mere shadow; but it is all that I have to give you, and I give all I have.

So sweetheart, goodnight.

Your own true and loving,

